Mr. Rogers and the Power of Persuasion Reflection


This video was very well constructed and edited by the creator and expressed an important point in an effective manner. The combination of different visuals and clips added value to the key points he was expressing as he discussed the effective ways of persuading one's point in a way that states the point without coming off as confrontational. While certain pieces of his claim I've already understood through previous English classes in high school, he breaks down each part of Ethos Pathos and Logos efficiently that provided new insight to me. There were also many new ideas that he provided that I took away --including the clip of someone explaining the idea of a mind being represented by a rider and elephant that make up 1% and 99% of the mind respectively. The rider representing our conscious reasoning and the elephant representing the bulk of our mind, which deals with intuition and emotion. There wasn't a single thing from this video I didn't like. It displayed an entertaining, and most of all interesting method of explaining this fascinating new way of engaging in conversation with the purpose of persuading someone and arguing with your opposing point of views. My favorite part is the clip of Mr. Rogers in court perfectly encapsulating the process of effectively arguing a position to the point where the listener has their mind changed. Mr. Rogers is one of my inspirations. To see the way he personally moved a tough man in Senator Pastore to the point that he actually increased the funding of Mr. Rogers' program instead of cutting it in half, was an inspirational and textbook example of how someone may engage in persuading someone. 


  1. It was impressive how you could witness such a major change in Senator Pastore's mind, it shows you how passionate Mr. Rogers is about his message.


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